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May 5-9, 2014
Continuing Education
Spiritual Renewal Retreat
for Worship Designers/Leaders in the Sierra Mountains
at Lake Tahoe 
(fly into the Reno-Tahoe airport)
with Marcia McFee Ph.D.
(find out more about Dr. Marcia at
Interesting Image
In the heights and majesty of the Sierra Mountains,
on the shores overlooking the stunning true-blue depths of Lake Tahoe,
come and experience a week of heightening and deepening
your spiritual journey as a designer and leader of worship.
Over the last 6 years, hundreds have left rejuvenated! Make this your year!
Space is limited. Click to register at the bottom of the page.
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               Elevate your theological understanding of worship with "deep soul"...

             Elevate your theoretical knowledge of planning worship that is "vital"...

                Elevate your spiritual identity as a worship leader...

          Elevate your skills, repertoire and practical tools for worship design and leadership...

         Elevate your love, enthusiasm and energy for the work you do...

              Elevate your church's worship of God!

“This last week for me was regenerative and inspiring.  I came wondering if I was burnt out with coordinating our service and feeling that I was missing out on my own worship experience, as I was mired in the details.  You spoke so many truths to me and I am making changes for myself as well.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I hope our paths cross again.”
“Marcia, you provided the single most significant continuing education event I have attended since completing my D.Min. I think of what you taught me all of the time and work with great young leaders to make worship meaning and memorable… Thank you so very much for all that you do.”
“Thank you so much for the informative conference.  We are already beginning to implement ideas at our church.  Your engaging style of presentation with multiple examples helped us to visualize how it would play out.”
“Your wonderful retreat continues to bless us here!  Our worship team has learned so much and, I think, moved to banish boring worship. Thanks for living joyously into the gifts God gave you!  We can, too!”
This week will rejuvenate your passion for ministry
through 21 contact hours
of experiential and informative sessions
as well as significant time in the schedule for the play
and meditative inspiration that the year-round beauty of Tahoe has to offer.
Many people have brought non-participant companions and made it a vacation as well!

Retreat Schedule and Topics

2.5 CEU's available

    7:00pm    Opening Worship and Session I
        “Creating Worship with Deep Soul:  Speaking of the Deepest Things We Know”
This session sets the stage by addressing the question, “What makes the difference between worship that feels like “business as usual” and worship that elicits an experience of “deep soul?” And we’ll lay the foundation for attending to various forms and expressions of worship in a postmodern age.

    Morning    Session II
        “The Art of Sensory-Rich Worship:  Moving from ‘Plug & Play’ to Intentional Design”
This session focuses on worship design as an art form.  We will discover what it means to be “symbolists” who uncover meaningful metaphors with the community.  The advantages of planning thematically and collaboratively will be explored and we’ll experience what it means to enhance familiar worship forms as well as engage cutting-edge and out-of-the-box alternatives.  

    Afternoon    Session III
        “The Technique of Sensory-Rich Worship:  Think Like a Filmmaker!”
This session draws on Marcia’s latest research–what we can learn about communicating a message from filmmakers.  We’ll experience, and experiment with, the concept of “layering” words, music, visuals and action in a way that takes “multisensory worship” to a new level no matter the size or style of your worship!

    Evening    Spiritual Renewal - Free Time
Each segment of free time will offer you opportunities to do what your spirit requires for renewal.  You may choose recreation (we’ll offer suggestions from hiking to seeing a show, movie or shopping), time to rest, read and reflect or join others who want to spend time doing worship planning.

    Morning    Spiritual Renewal Free Time
Two session of spiritual renewal are always planned back-to-back in order to give you ample time–in this case you may want to stay out late and sleep late! Marcia will be on hand mid-morning to demonstrate the Worship Design Studio App.

    Afternoon    Session IV
        “Primal Patterns:  Reading and Riding Dynamics, Energy & Flow”
This session will focus on the dynamics of energy and the effects produced in worship through music, color, lighting, spatial relationship and leadership styles, to name a few.  A deeper understanding of our own individual energetic life patterns will give us insights into our choices, our relationships, and our leadership effectiveness.

    Evening    Session V
        “Scripted & Unscripted:  The Dance of Order & Spontaneity”
This fun evening of improvisation will involve a drumming circle and theater games and a personality profile in order to practice our gifts of order and spontaneity and apply it all to worship leadership.  Non-participant companions are invited to join in on this session.

    Morning    Spiritual Renewal Free Time
These two sessions of free time are planned back-to-back to give you ample time t
o plan a day-long activity if you so choose.

    Afternoon    Spiritual Renewal Free Time
A nearby scenic afternoon paddleboat cruise on Lake Tahoe is an option.

    Evening    Session VI
        “Making Ritual ‘Rich-ual’"
As leaders of worship, we are in the position of guiding persons through major life passages.  This session will explore how to make those times unforgettably “rich” and deeply meaningful through the design and our leadership.  We’ll include rites such as communion, baptism (and other times of initiation and change), commitment to service, weddings, funerals and others.

    Morning    Session VII and Closing Worship
        “Worship Leadership as Spiritual Direction”
All week we will be contemplating our identities as leaders of worship.  This closing session will be the culmination of those reflections and a time to assimilate all we’ve experienced.

We will conclude by 11am to get you on your way!


Registration, housing AND meals are ONE price! 
$620.00 (total for shared room)
$800.00 (total for private room)
$320.00 (non-participant companion housing & meals only)

Questions about content?   E-mail Dr. Marcia at

Questions about registration?   E-mail Mark at